San Antonio: Part 2
After winning our first match of the knockouts , we arrive the next day just before the 9:00 game time. We are going to play a round robin with one inexperienced but dangerous team and another very experienced team captained by Colby Vernay.
It is decided that Patty and I will play the first half and sit out the second. We start against the Vernay team and have an uneventful set. I went for 800 against their 660 or 690, and had a few plus positions on partscore hands. Nothing eventful. The match against the weaker team was much the same. We bid a poor game that went down, and had a potential partscore swing. When we compared we were down 15 (after handicap) to the weaker team and up 4 against the stronger team. We sat out and our teammates managed to win the match that we were losing by 15 and lose the other one. For the second session we advanced with one win and one loss.
In the semi-finals Patty and I played the whole time. We were playing against a team of tough locals that were very experienced. We had a solid first set with some plus positions. One of my weaknesses is perhaps not doubling enough partscores at imps. The upside of this is that when I do make a penalty double, my partner knows they can safely sit. Patty had
8. She opened 1
in third seat (anything goes...) and heard it go X, 2
(drury)-p to her. She retreated to 2
-p-p-X. She had no qualms about sitting and we collected 500. My trumps were AKT94. We compared at half and were up 36 or so. In the second half the boards were pretty dull other than a pushed grand, and despite a few soft boards we picked up another 3 imps to advance.
In the finals we once again met the Vernay team. Patty and I played the first set and there were two interesting slam deals. The first one I had:
3. I opened 1
and partner responded 2
, GF. I bid 2
and partner bid 2
. I showed my 5-5 with a 3
call and partner bid 4
. I have a great hand now and an easy keycard bid. Partner replied 5
showing 1 or 4. I didn't want to risk a disaster with 5
so I just bid 6
to offer a choice. It went all pass and a spade was led. This is what I saw:
Oops! What happened? Partner apparently answered keycard in diamonds even though this is not our agreement. The important thing here is to keep your cool. I said "Thank you partner," and followed suit while keeping my poker face. RHO won the ace, and assuming we knew what we were doing continued spades. When nothing bad happened in the red suits I had made six. I was also impressed with my opponents who didn't say a word; they just pulled the cards for the next board.
The other slam hand we had was when I picked up:
972. Partner opened 1
and I had to decide what to do. Usually with three small trumps and 4333 10 counts I just bid 2
. I liked the controls in this hand, though, and tried 1N planning on giving a 3-card limit raise. Pard surpised me with a jump to three clubs. I do not think a jump to 4
should just show any 3 card limit raise as you are just preempting your own auction. There are many hands that need to hear another bid from partner. Those of you who read this know what I mean. Accordingly, I bid 3
and partner bid 4
. I hated my round suit holdings, and the spade king was dubious so I chose to pass. Perhaps wrong, but probably not as wrong as partners 4
bid with
AKQ93. Slam is not cold by any means but had partner bid 4
you would bid 4
and probably get there. Both suits broke, so slam makes. We went back to compare and our teammates have had a good set. We were up 33 at the half, pushing the second board. We went on to win 39 more in the second set to win by a total of 72.
Our teammates played well throughout, and it was very satisfying to win. Next, to do it again.
It is decided that Patty and I will play the first half and sit out the second. We start against the Vernay team and have an uneventful set. I went for 800 against their 660 or 690, and had a few plus positions on partscore hands. Nothing eventful. The match against the weaker team was much the same. We bid a poor game that went down, and had a potential partscore swing. When we compared we were down 15 (after handicap) to the weaker team and up 4 against the stronger team. We sat out and our teammates managed to win the match that we were losing by 15 and lose the other one. For the second session we advanced with one win and one loss.
In the semi-finals Patty and I played the whole time. We were playing against a team of tough locals that were very experienced. We had a solid first set with some plus positions. One of my weaknesses is perhaps not doubling enough partscores at imps. The upside of this is that when I do make a penalty double, my partner knows they can safely sit. Patty had
In the finals we once again met the Vernay team. Patty and I played the first set and there were two interesting slam deals. The first one I had:
Oops! What happened? Partner apparently answered keycard in diamonds even though this is not our agreement. The important thing here is to keep your cool. I said "Thank you partner," and followed suit while keeping my poker face. RHO won the ace, and assuming we knew what we were doing continued spades. When nothing bad happened in the red suits I had made six. I was also impressed with my opponents who didn't say a word; they just pulled the cards for the next board.
The other slam hand we had was when I picked up:
Our teammates played well throughout, and it was very satisfying to win. Next, to do it again.
Labels: hand, Tournament Report
Mike, what the bleep are you talking about?
Justin makes a fantastic point, everyone "knows" when a disasterous dummy comes down you should keep your cool but few people actually do it. Remember if something has gone wrong they may not know it so don't tell them. I read of a hand where declarer won the second round of a suit in notrump with an original holding of xx in dummy and 9x in hand. If you don't tell them something is wrong, you never know how they might help.
Anonymous, at 6/30/05, 9:38 AM
I don't think I ever called them an advanced team. I called them very experienced. I have nothing but respect for Colby and his teammates and have lost to him on more than one occasion.
Justin Lall, at 6/30/05, 3:55 PM
Excellent point about keeping your cool. Thanks for the tip!
Anonymous, at 6/30/05, 4:37 PM
Certainly this is an interesting blog, so don't be offended by my questions.
Why is 1H:2C:2D:2H:3D:4D:4N rkc for hearts rather than diamonds?
If 4N is rkc-h, were opponents informed that 2H promised 3 card support?
What level of confidence does it express in your partner when you bid 6D instead of 5D over 5C?
Don't you have the agreement that responder would bid again when holding 4 keycards over your 5D bid?
Anonymous, at 6/30/05, 10:08 PM
Of course 2h shows 3 card support. That's why 2/1 game forcing works, you don't have to make up fake support to keep the auction alive.
5d could be misinterpreted as choice of 5d/5h. Why put partner under that much stress when you are so likely to belong in slam (based on 1 keycard)? I'd love a partner who didn't find out the hard way if we are on the same page when it probably wont matter.
Anonymous, at 6/30/05, 11:15 PM
1) our agreement is if 2 suits are bid and raised 4N is keycard for the first.
2) No, I don't think this is alertable in a 2/1 auction.
3) It does not express a lack of confidence towards partner. It just expresses that I don't want to risk a disaster in uncharted territory. I find this to be good practice.
4) Yes, I'm sure she would bid again with 4 keycards.
Justin Lall, at 7/1/05, 12:36 AM
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توفر الرحمة اسطول من سيارات نقل الاثاث الحديثة للحفاظ عليه من العوامل الطبيعية مثل الشمس او الامطار
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إهتمي بتنظيف الأثاث الخشبي في المنزل بعناية فالخشب يعزز وجود الحشرات وخاصة الصراصير وتكاثرها لذلك تأكدي جيداً من تنظيف هذا النوع من الأثاث.
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