Right or Wrong?
The auction was 2N p 3N. This is a typical "insane" matchpoint auction for us. LHO leads the ace of diamonds (asking for attitude). RHO plays the 6. Now LHO returns the 8 of diamonds, I play the jack from dummy and rho plays the 4. What next?
We have 5 spades, 1 heart, 1 club and 1 diamond. The obvious thing to do would be to finesse the heart and then try finessing it again. But what was the 8 of diamonds? It was a suit preference card indicating a heart card. I honestly believe the least falsecarded signal is suit preference, even though my LHO is a very strong player I took it to probably be a true card. I was also confident that if he had 5 diamonds he certainly had a king. Good players will almost always lead small from AKxxx if they have no side entry. If LHO has 5 diamonds and the heart king he will be strip squeezed on the run of the spades.
I thought for a long time and decided to run spades. LHO started with 2 spades and pitched a low club (encouraging) followed by 2 low hearts. RHO pitched 2 low clubs (encouraging). From my hand I pitched a heart and a club. This was the end position:
If LHO came down to the guarded heart king and started with 5 diamonds, that only left room for one club. In that position my winning line is to cash the club ace and get out a diamond (see why I didn't pitch a diamond from my hand?). Given that I believe the diamond 8 this is the most likely layout. However, I had a lot of extraneous things to consider.
- Did LHO stiff his HK and hold on to 2 clubs? This was possible to do in tempo since I took so long to play. I didn't think it was likely because of another pattern people seem to have. When they figure out early on in the play they need to stiff their king, they do it immediately. I'm pretty sure if LHO wanted to go that route he would pitch heart, heart, club in that order.
- Did LHO falsecard the D8? If he had the club king and the AK of diamonds, looking at 7 points in dummy and 20-21 in my hand he knows partner has very little. A falsecard is very possible, especially since even if his partner does have an entry like the queen of spades, LHO has a slow entry not a quick one so it's not that important. However, again few people falsecard suit preference and it's important to remember not to give your opps too much credit.
- Did LHO start with 4 diamonds all along? With AK85 he might have chosen to lead a high diamond then had nothing better to do but continue. In this scenario he might have chosen a different lead (a major is preferable on this auction) and he would need the 5 to know that playing the 8 is safe.
- If LHO does have xx Kxxx AKxxx xx like I think, what will happen to 4 spades? That is the field contract. LHO will lead 3 rounds of diamonds and his partner will ruff and lead back a heart. The clubs then go away on the hearts, so I'd be down one. So even if I go down 1 in 3N I will get an average.
At the table I decided the first 3 inferences were strong but not sure, maybe 80 % each. However, when combined that makes LHO having the hand I think he has to only be a 50/50 shot. If the heart hook is on or diamonds are 4-3, I'm going to get a good result for playing in 3N if I just finesse now. I decided the risk wasn't worth it and I hooked a heart and went down 1. Sure enough we got an average board, and making would have been a top. LHO did have 2452 with the HK.
Looking back on it I'm not sure if I did the right thing. Very often I will play a hand to have a guess in the end position and then back my judgment about the layout 100 %. If I was playing my A game and was feeling very confident I'm sure instead of thinking my inferences were 80 % I would have thought they were 100 % and gone for it. I felt bad for not backing up my judgment in this case because it is one of my strengths in declarer play. However, we did get an average and we did qualify for the nationals. Had I gone for it and gone down for a zero, we wouldn't have qualified. From that point of view I did the right thing.
I still don't know, I'll let you guys decide.
Labels: hand
I am curious whether you trusted RHO's club discards. Diamond 8 as a false card doesn't seem impossible, but did you think RHO might have gotten the joke and encouraged clubs when he has the heart king only?
Anonymous, at 1/19/06, 8:18 AM
I could swear today is Thursday, and that comes after Wednesday, but the last post is from Tuesday. I'm confused.
Anonymous, at 1/19/06, 10:34 AM
The end justifies the means: If your objective was to qualify for the Nationals and you did it by taking this line, then perfect! Imagine if you had taken the other line, gotten a 0, and not q'd for the Nationals?
Anonymous, at 1/19/06, 1:58 PM
Maybe Im missing something, but taking the Heart finnese at the hand was getting avg when its off but getting zero when it on ! because you will only make 9 tricks now while those in 4S makes 10 tricks by repeating the heart finnese which you can no longer do.
Since even though all the discard supported your initiall thoughts and you still didnt go with it (the strip squeeze) I guess its right to say that finnesing the heart right away was the simple but also the right line.
Again 1 am and probebly missed something.
Sharon (WGF_Flame)
Anonymous, at 1/19/06, 5:09 PM
If RHO has the heart king I will win the heart finesse, cash a heart, and exit a diamond to endplay LHO (again I am sure he has ONE king or he wouldn't lead a high diamond). Also if LHO has the heart king he presumably kept the guarded club king and that means he started with 2353. The declarers in spades will still go down since they can't get rid of the club loser.
Justin Lall, at 1/19/06, 11:23 PM
i think the heart finesse is right, but i just don't see why the D8 should be construed as a true suit-preference card. west's outside entry (assuming he has one, but i agree that he quite likely does for the high diamond lead) is not an ace. with AKxxx of diamonds and a king, telling his partner where the king is cannot possibly help defeat the contract, because you would have at least 9 tricks if east has an ace, and if he has no ace, then west's king isn't doing him much good. it can't help his partner to know about it, but it sure could help declarer.
i do like your auction, though.
Joon, at 1/21/06, 4:25 AM
Thanks for the analysis; you made several interesting points.
But multiplying together 80% three times for the three assumptions sounds fishy. In effect you are assuming approximately that:
(a) With 5 diamonds and the hK LHO is 20% to stiff the hK late.
(b) With 5 diamonds and the cK LHO is 20% to falsecard at trick 2.
(c) If holding only 4 diamonds, LHO is 20% to lead the K and continue with the 8.
The paradoxical principle you used -- that the conjunction of many highly probable events is not necessarily probable -- is a great point and underappreciated. However, I wonder if psychologically you allowed yourself the expert error of exaggerating its effect here. In particular your estimate for (c) seems way too generous. Did you assign the probabilities objectively or with the paradox in mind?
Anonymous, at 1/22/06, 7:40 PM
Joon: I think you missed the point. Sure he CAN falsecard without much, if any, consequence. My point is that people don't always find it. Not even very good players. In general a suit preference falsecard has at most a 1 % likelihood, I gave it about a 20 % likelihood here for the reasons you gave. When playing against good players, watch how much they falsecard count/attitude compared to suit preference. I think you will see a big difference.
Charles: The probabilities were just very rough estimates. I'm not a mathematical person, and I am not a very mathematical bridge player either (although much of bridge is based on math of course). I didn't know this was a paradox, so I don't think I assigned the numbers to make it into one :) My estimates could easily be off of course, when dealing with psychology its hard to accurately assess percentages.
Justin Lall, at 1/23/06, 10:54 AM
i still don't know about this 20% estimate. it seems fairly normal to me to signal suit preference only when my entry is an ace, because i have too many of our side's HCP. any good player can see at trick 2 that his partner doesn't need to know about a side king; there's just no way partner is getting in twice.
incidentally, one could extend this logic to the conclusion that when you have a hand like AKxxx and a king, you should lead low rather than high from your five-card suit, because the king isn't a fast enough entry and it's too much to expect partner to get in twice. AKxxx and an ace is totally different.
Joon, at 1/23/06, 8:08 PM
I think RHO has the club king as why would he encourage in clubs without the king? Also, why would RHO discard two clubs and encourage from only a four card suit? If he had say C Jxxxx or C Jxxx it is far from obvious to discard two clubs as there is no reason why you can't have C AKxx.
If RHO has the heart king you can always take 10-11 tricks in spades so you need to take the same number of tricks in notrump. But the way you played so far was not the best play if the heart king was onside as now you could have taken 11 tricks.
Also, there is no reason why LHO would lie about his heart entry. Say his partner started with D Qx, surely he has to tell his partner what to lead back.
Consequently, I think there is far more reason to endplay LHO by leading a club to your ace and throwing LHO in with a diamond.
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